The Sudbury Savoyards is and shall at all times be operated exclusively within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and within the meaning of Massachusetts General Laws, c. 180, Section 4, as amended.

The primary purposes of The Sudbury Savoyards are twofold: 1) Performing the works of William S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan, separately or together and other playwrights and composers, in Sudbury, Massachusetts and other communities; 2) Actively encouraging and promoting artistic and technical excellence in the production of these works.

In connection therewith,The Sudbury Savoyards may engage in other activities and programs, including charitable contributions and grant making, in furtherance of the foregoing purposes as may be carried out by The Sudbury Savoyards organized under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 180 and described in Section (501)(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Peers discuss The Mission