Yeomen of Regard

Yeomen of Regard

Active community organizations like the Sudbury Savoyards depend on the selfless contributions of untold numbers of people to continue to thrive and meet their goals. Among those untold numbers are the precious few who contribute far beyond reason or expectations, leading the group into new areas of endeavor or new levels of achievement, or providing the fundamental effort that brings or keeps the group together. Through the years, the Savoyards have been blessed with perhaps more than their fair share of such people. In 2003 the Savoyards began a program to formally recognize and remember these people and their accomplishments. The program, with puckish Savoyard humor, is called “Yeomen of Regard.” This is, of course, a pun on the name of the G&S operetta, but encapsulates both the yeoman’s service these honorees have delivered and the respect due them for that effort.

Primary criteria for consideration of nominees are derived from the basic statement: “Extraordinary service in support of the mission of the Sudbury Savoyards as defined in the Company’s Bylaws.” The complete Policies and Procedures are here.

This is an ongoing program, and the Board of Trustees accepts recommendations for Yeomen on a continuing basis. A plaque bearing the names of our honorees is permanently mounted in Hawes Hall at the Sudbury United Methodist Church.

Click on an Honoree's name to go to their page.