Another great way to support our work and invest in the growth of your company is advertising in our playbills as a show sponsor or a season sponsor (summer show, benefit concert, a Christmas Carol, and mainstage spring show). Our audience of theater-goers spans the metro-west Boston area. 

Ad specs (prices for one show):

  • Quarter page/Business card (1 7/8” high X 4 1/2 ” wide) $75

  • Half page (3 3/4” high X 4 1/2” wide) $125

  • Full Page (7 1/2” high X 4 1/2” wide) $175

  • Inside cover (circle one) Front $250 Back $250

  • Outside back cover in color $300

Ads must conform to sizes specified above (the playbill uses ½ inch margins.) Preferred file types are .jpg, .png, or .pdf at 300dpi. Email for more information about placing an ad:

Ad Swaps
We also encourage ad swaps with other community theater groups in the Boston area. Advertise in our playbill in exchange for placing our show ads in your playbill, and invest in the growth of arts in metro-Boston. Contact to discuss a swap. 

Sample of Playbill Ad Display