The Sudbury Savoyards 2024-2025 Season Appeal
We're more than three quarters of the way there!
Will you help us reach our $21,000 goal?
Thank you for your generosity!
Note: The above bar does not update in real time. Last updated 01/16 @ 8:30 PM
The Sudbury Savoyards are at a turning point: With more than 63 years’ experience as a theatrical organization and just under a decade’s experience as an independent non-profit, the pandemic has shaken the performing arts, inflation has kicked everyone in the teeth, and shifting national policies may impact the availability of funding for the arts. In the midst of all this, your financial support means more than ever before as we strive to raise $21,000 this year to meet rising costs and manage the necessities that keep exceptional and spirited G&S performances available to you for years to come.
The costs of maintaining our mission threaten our deeply rooted community.
This year, Princess Ida received more press and won more awards than any of The Savoyards’ previous productions! Taking home no fewer than three DASH (Distinguished Achievement and Special Honors) awards last season, Princess Ida raked in the praise. Massachusetts Entertainment & Theatre Review declared it “masterfully executed” and “exemplary” and The Boston Musical Intelligencer raved that it was “a rousing success”. Our mission dictates that we bring you artistically and technically excellent Gilbert & Sullivan productions, and we are wholeheartedly committed to this purpose, to the people who create with us, and to you!
You may have attended our productions. You may have volunteered on stage. You may have volunteered backstage. You may have served on committees and shepherded the group through many milestones and trials, and it is hard for us to ask more of you today. But without your financial support now, our ability to bring you Gilbert and Sullivan on A Grand Scale will be in jeopardy.
Will you help us raise $21,000 this season?
The coming winter’s production of Ruddigore awaits you, with a cast of almost 50 and a production team hard at work building stage magic. More than that, 63 more years of grand scale Gilbert & Sullivan productions can also be yours, but only if you help us reach our $21,000 fundraising goal today.
To donate via credit card or PayPal, click the Donate Today button below. Alternatively, mail your check to our PO Box 762 in Sudbury. To discuss pledges, planned giving, or gifts of stocks or securities, please reach out to
Thank you so much for your faithful support.
You are the reason this community exists and continues to thrive decade after decade.
The Sudbury Savoyards
Fundraising Committee:
Graham Daley ● Laurel Martin ● Briana Bensenouci ● Sara DeLong ● Kathryn Denney ● Mike Lague
How to Give
Your tax-deductible contribution will entitle you to be listed in all of our programs throughout the year. Please choose a level of support that works for you, and use one of these methods to support the Sudbury Savoyards.
Donor levels:
Up to $50 Patron
$50-$99 Sponsor
$100-$199 Supporter
$200-$499 Sustaining Donor
$500-$999 Benefactor
$1000 and above Angel
To donate via PayPal or Credit Card, click “Donate Today” and enter the amount you would like to donate.
Or send a check payable to:
The Sudbury Savoyards
PO Box 762
Sudbury, MA 01776
Your contribution will be acknowledged in a form recognized by the IRS as a charitable deduction.
If your employer matches donations, your donation might be doubled or even tripled!
Sudbury Savoyards Inc is a a tax-exempt non-profit organization under IRS code section 501(c)(3). Tax ID: 81-3297005