The Sudbury Savoyards 2024 Annual Meeting
Saturday, May 18th, 2024

The theme at the annual meeting this year was “Ancestors.” We encouraged people to bring food items that reminded them of an ancestor. These foods included Portuguese-style linguica stuffed quahogs (in memory of grandparents who came from Sao Miguel in the Azores), Mince-n-Tatties (a hearty dish made in the northeast of Scotland, made on cold, winter days.), bean salad (a mother’s recipe), and chocolate chip cookies (a late father’s recipe).

Click below to catch up on some of the fun that was shared between meeting business:

  • My great grandmother was married in 1912. I wore her dress exactly 80 years (1992) later when I got married.
  • Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (b.1864) was a cousin of my father and an artist. My father was born in Paris in 1929.
  • Great Aunt Effie – letter writer extraordinaire!
  • My dad, Steve, fought at the Battle of Iwo Jima and made it back alive!
  • I’m related to Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island!
  • My great, great Uncle James Clarence Morgan, was the poet laureate of Ireland with a statue on St. Stephen’s Green in Dublin.
  • My grandfather, who moved the family from Ceretta, Italy to New Haven, Connecticut.
    Auntie Bea – best apple pie!
  • My cousin, Muriel, in Nova Scotia, Canada, sweetest, kindest person I know.
  • There are so many spellings of my name. My mother chose this one because looked the best in her penmanship.
  • I was named to keep up a maternal family tradition that the first-born girl’s name starts with an L. This goes back 5 generations!
  • My married name was changed by my husband’s paternal grandfather. It was Cohen until he purchased a toy store in NYC and changed it to match the name of the store.
  • I was named after my great, great grandmother.
  • My name is accidentally a combination of my parent’s middle names.
  • My name means “she who must be loved” in Latin.
  • My name means “pretty.”
  • My married last name was changed by my husband’s grandfather. He added an “s” at the end.
  • I got my name from my mama.
  • My favorite meanings of my name depending on language: earth, archer, beginning, and unbreakable spirit
  • I’m related to a general in Napoleon’s army, and my maiden name is inscribed in the L’Arc de Triomphe.
  • I just got the default most popular name for girls in the 1970s.
  • We’ve been correcting the pronunciation of our last name for 300 years in America.
Please join us on Saturday, May 18th for our Annual Meeting. The theme is Ancestors!

In addition to our Annual Meeting and our company plans to honor our beloved Tony Parkes, who recently left us. Tony was a longtime member and our most recent Yeoman of Regard (read Tony Parkes’ obituary here).


12:00: Gather for social time. Bring something for the potluck (sign up below), and set up for lunch. Think of foods that remind you of your family and/or ancestors! We will begin eating probably around 12:30.

1:15 ish: Business portion of the meeting: a review of our year, and the results of the elections to the Board of Trustees. 

VOTING: Current members should have received your electronic ballot in your email. If you believe your membership to be current and did not receive a ballot, please email Mike Lague. You can review the candidate statements (button below), and please cast your ballots before the meeting. 

2:00: More social time, including themed activities by Lovely Laurel and a sing-along thanks to the Dynamic Denneys! Bring a song to share if you want. We will have some scores and will focus on selections from Princess Ida and Ruddigore, but other requests are welcome. You can make them ahead of time by emailing Kathryn.

2:30 ish Tony Time! We will have some remarks, photos and videos, an opportunity for folks to share stories about Tony, and the traditional singing of “Hail Poetry!”

We will also be taking up a collection to help Beth defer funeral and medical expenses. You can bring cash or Venmo @Graham-Daley and we will put it all together for her without the gofundme fee. 

If you would like to attend any portion of the day virtually, please email Graham

Liberty Lodge at Camp Sewataro in Sudbury
1 Liberty Ledge, Sudbury, MA 01776
Come in the back via Julian’s Way and Greystone.