In This Issue
- HMS Pinafore – BUY TICKETS
- Christmas Carol
- Seeking Board Nominees
- Benefit Concert – Save the Date
- Winter 2021 Main Stage Production

HMS Pinafore by Gilbert and Sullivan
Stage direction by Jacqueline Haney
Music Direction by Kathryn Denney and Lindsey Soboleski
Produced by Graham Daley and Sara DeLong
February 21st-29th, 2020
Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School
390 Lincoln Rd, Sudbury, MA 01776
An operetta for the whole family, H.M.S. Pinafore is one of Gilbert and Sullivan’s most popular and most silly musical comedies! Featuring famous songs such as, “I’m Called Little Buttercup” and “I am the Captain of the Pinafore”, this production, performed with full costumes, sets and live orchestra is sure to entertain.
Join us in the lobby after our 2pm matinee on February 29th for a “Birthday Party for Frederic!” Another one of the most beloved characters in the Gilbert and Sullivan repertoire, this character from The Pirates of Penzance owed his misfortunes to his leap-day birth date. In 2020, we celebrate Frederic’s 41st birthday with cake and song sponsored by the New England Gilbert and Sullivan Society.
Both matinees end with the opportunity to come up on the stage after the show to walk the set and speak with characters from the cast. Those who are visually impaired may ask at the door before any of the showings for a Braille copy of the playbill.
Friday, February 21 at 8:00 PM
Saturday, February 22 at 8:00 PM
Sunday, February 23 at 2:00 PM
Friday, February 28 at 8:00 PM
Saturday, February 29 at 2:00 PM and 8:00 PM
Adults – $25.00
Students/Seniors – $22.00
Senior Group (10+ Tickets) – $16.50
Children (12 and under) – $12.00
Special rates: Group rates for purchases of 10 tickets or more or take advantage of our special rates for public servants! (email to inquire)
Cast of Lead Roles
Sir Joseph Porter – Tony Parkes
Captain Corcoran – Brad Amidon
Ralph Rackstraw – Peter Boettcher
Josephine Corcoran- Janet Pohli
Cousin Hebe- Arianna Bonito
Little Buttercup- Ann Ferentz
Dick Deadeye – Marco Bonito
Bob Beckett, Carpenter’s Mate – Santo Mammone
Bill Bobstay, Boatswain – Jon Saul

A Christmas Carol
The Sudbury Savoyards were fortunate to inherit a long-standing program of presenting Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” to audiences at the Wayside Inn. We performed at the Inn to two sold out audiences at Sudbury’s own Martha Mary Chapel. This generated donations from the Inn and our generous patrons of more than $1000 to A Place to Turn, a Metrowest emergency food pantry in Natick, for which long time Savoyard Neil McCormick volunteered for many years.
Director Paul Dixon created a script of Dickens’ masterpiece that could be performed by six actors rotating among the text’s twenty-seven characters. We also had a fiddler and a quartet of singers sprinkling the evening with actual Christmas Carols! We are already scheduled to continue this tradition next December 4 and 5, so please put it on your calendar!
We are delighted to be able in some way to return to our roots of providing in hunger relief right here in our own backyards!
Join the Sudbury Savoyards Board of Trustee
We are seeking nominations for our Board of Trustees! If you would like to volunteer or recommend a candidate for our Board, or find out more about what it takes to serve, please talk to any member of the current Board or email
The Sudbury Savoyards are governed by a team of nine Trustees, all elected by the Membership for overlapping terms of up to three years each. The Trustees have the responsibility to choose the activities the Company will undertake and who will lead them. The Trustees are also responsible for raising the money and funding the support structure that will allow us to meet these goals. The company has a half-dozen Committees comprised of both Trustees and others to assist in these endeavors.
Who should be a Trustee?
Our Trustees come from within our Company and as interested outsiders who wish to preserve and enhance the history and future prospects of the Sudbury Savoyards. Our Company needs to run like a business, and for that reason the Savoyards do exist as a chartered corporation, albeit a tax-exempt, not-for-profit one. People who respect and enjoy the performing arts and are familiar with our long-standing support of the arts in our communities might well consider stepping up to help maintain and grow our heritage. The work of our Board is not arduous, but it is serious, important, and timely. The Board meets monthly to oversee current activities and to plan for the future. Trustees should expect to devote several hours per month between meetings to stay current on this work and to evaluate and propose recommendations for ongoing work. Desirable skills for Trustees include finance, organization, governance, publicity, personal communications, and community relations. Our Company’s principal product is theatrical and musical performance, but a long-standing point of pride among the Savoyards has been that the notion of “community” is at least as important as “arts” in “community arts.”
Benefit Concert (update 4/13/20: our benefit concert is postponed)
An evening of Gilbert and Sullivan and friends Benefit Concert and silent auction.
When: Saturday June 13, 2020
Where: Longfellow’s Wayside Inn, Sudbury
Enjoy hors d’oeuvres, dessert, music and a cash bar. More details to follow!
Coming Winter 2021 – The Grand Duke!
The Sudbury Savoyards are excited to announce our production for Winter 2021, Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Grand Duke! In the group’s 60 year history this will be only the second time we have performed this ultimate collaboration of the two men. In late spring 2020 we will begin recruitment for key management positions such as, producer, music director and stage director. If you have an interest in any production role please reach out to