HMS Pinafore: February 21 - 29, 2020
Stage Director: Jacqueline Haney
Music Directors: Lindsey Soboleski & Kathryn Denney
Producers: Graham Daley &
Sara DeLong
Sir Joseph Porter – Tony Parkes
Captain Corcoran – Brad Amidon
Ralph Rackstraw – Peter Boettcher
Dick Deadeye – Marco Bonito
Bill Bobstay, Boatswain – Jon Saul
Bob Beckett, Carpenter’s Mate – Santo Mammone
Josephine Corcoran: Janet Pohli
Cousin Hebe: Arianna Bonito
Little Buttercup: Ann Ferentz
About H.M.S. Pinafore:
The fourth collaboration between Gilbert & Sullivan was their first blockbuster hit: “HMS Pinafore”, or “The Lass That Loved a Sailor.” This opera opened May 28, 1878 at the Opera Comique. It ran for 571 performances and became a huge fad in England, as well as in America, being copied illegally by dozens of performing companies in the US, as well as being presented there by Gilbert, Sullivan and Carte themselves.
Pinafore is among the most popular Gilbert and Sullivan operas, perhaps because of its infectious tunes and generally well-constructed libretto. Drawing on several of his earlier “bab ballad” poems, Gilbert embued HMS Pinafore with mirth and silliness to spare. The opera’s gentle satire reprises and builds upon one of The Sorcerer’s themes: Love between members of different social classes.